Handout for Beachcombing at Windy Cove Walk

A Half-Mile Half-Hour, Family Friendly Walk

Beachcombing at Windy Cove

An introduction to things that live in the Estuary!

Each child will learn to identify one organism,
A responsible adult must accompany all children.
For warmth long pants and long sleeves are suggested.
Start the introductory talk at 2:00 PM;
Begin walking at 2:05.

Start Collecting at 2:08 PM:
Use the center of the Cove.
Establish a collecting center.
Mark spots on the ground for Plants and Animals
Then help people find stuff.
The empty bucket is for trash.

Start Analysis at 2:15 PM:
Have the children show their favorite specimen.
Is it a Plant or Animal?
Place the specimen in the correct place.
Can a grown-up name it?
Have the child repeat the name.

Start Discussion at 2:20 PM:
At Docent's discretion.
Plug other walks.

Start Clean-up at 2:25 PM:
Thank people for coming.
Remind people to brush their shoes before re-entering the Museum.
Put everything back approximately where it was found.
End at the Cove at 2:30 PM.

Windy Cove Home

Revised Monday, February 18, 2008 02:25:47 PM